Summary :
- Work is worship
- Work meaningfully leads to sustainable development
- Woth with ethics towards humanity is success

Ø that Godward Work is the timeless art of turning trials into
triumphs, politically and economically, in case of individuals, institutions
and society.
Ø that Work, non-attached and unselfish, is the only road to
sublime performance and sustenance;
Ø that only Work is the causation for greater heights in life like
Buddha, Christ and Vivekananda for scaling greater heights in their
respective institutions for time immemorial.
1. Rationale and approach: -
Life needs salvation, the free from bondage and attachment to
linger on possession called Maya, in Indian Hindi word. Freedom is the
sublime search of every animals, plants and humans, to be free from
darkness to light, from pain to pleasure and from ignorance to knowledge.
Then the million-dollar question is -how to transcend to the form of
virtues from vice?
Historically, philosophers as well as the researchers have
tried and tested in the social laboratories for finding the true nature of
Life, Living and Being. They have made an innumerable attempt to find out
the Law of causation, association and salvation. The never-ending search
sermonises certain doctrines which needs to be tested with time to come for
its relevance and application for mankind.
What makes man the happiest and satisfied one? Is it the case
that Man is happy if health is salubrious, if wealth is adequate, if he
gets time to make merry, to be eulogised for helping others, to get
accolades for competing out others, loving others, etc. Or is it the case
that Man is happy if the mind is busy in gaining knowledge, engaging with
nature for benevolence of mankind, cultivating intellectual pursuit for
excellence, meditating for moksha, etc.
Time immemorial, it is the fierce debate amidst philosophers
that whether life is for living or being or both? What determines the basic
objective of life? What is the rationale to live a mortal life? What is the
road to the life one aspires for? What is the best method of life for
satiating the basic instinct? Many a query are to be path of testing the
relevance from time to time with perspective of future uses and
Work, work, work………work, only one answer to every mental and material
anxiety on Life. This will be our hypothesis to be tested, empirically as
well as institutionally, and to be proved for its application for ever.
With our quest for philosophical research, our approach will
galvanise Vedantic Philosophy on Work, Western as well as Eastern
Philosophy of Work, intellectual expositions by reputed social scientists,
etc. We will also give a glance to the comparative analysis of Work and its
repulsive effect on Political philosophy as well as Philosophy of
Economics. We will also experiment organisational applications and degree
of relationship between Work and Pleasure and their co-relationship. Also,
our research will encompass the work and its productivity for growth of
individuals, institutions, countries and the Globe.
Work is the elixir of life
for resolving issues blended with spiritual and materialistic complications-will
be our ultimate research findings.
Environment Our research will be based on various western and eastern
institutions: at least one each on spiritual institutions and one each on
business organisations. If required, we may go for more institutional
response for more evidence. We will develop certain questionnaire relating
to work, request for response from time to time for a certain period. We
will juxtapose these findings with the historical philosophies of work.
Then we will draw conclusion on it. Finally, we will analyse the
philosophical work perspectives for ultimate truth of life.
Motivation One fine weekend morning, while sipping my breakfast tea, the
holiday happiness was out of my mind. Only anxiety was what to do on that
day, worries was palpable. Even, on previous day, the busy service life was
happier, internally satisfied and mentally merry making. Then the obvious
thought struck to my mind was what is life? What makes life happier,
brighter and satisfied? What makes life bolder, beautiful and bountiful?
What makes life divine?
The comparative analysis between two type of days, one working
and one non-working, has confined my thought that how much time I was
engaged for office activities, for resolving personal problems, for sports time
and exercise actions and for studying the life lessons.
The sum and substance of all actions and engagements are
nature of Work and time devoted for it. Once action starts; the mind,
thought and problems culminate into concentration on specific moto to
achieve. Once accomplished, it makes man to feel dedicated and divine.
This momentary thought on life and work motivated me to
endeavour for higher wisdom on Philosophy of Work and its true outcome on
4. References:
Rolland, Romain. The
Life of Vivekananda and the Universal Gospel
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